Blast Airdrop

Blast is an L2 that has a native yield for stablecoins and ETH. RWA protocols and ETH staking are the sources of blast yield. The yield generated by these decentralized technologies is immediately returned to Blast users. For other L2s, the default interest rate is 0%. ETH is worth 4% on Blast, while stablecoins are at 5%. Yield enables the development of fresh end-user rewards programs and new revenue sources. Users deal with Ethereum. ETH is the foundation of dapps. From the beginning, Blast was intended to ensure that Ethereum is natively rebasing on the L2.

Blast has stated that it would conduct an airdrop for early users after raising $20 million from investors like Paradigm and Standard Crypto. Individuals that use an invite code to register, points will be awarded for bridging ETH and inviting friends. In May, airdrop points will be exchangeable for Blast tokens.

Status: Confirmed

Step-by-Step Participation Guide

  • Go to the Blast webpage.
  • On “Join Early Access,” click.
  • An invite code is required to use the platform.
  • Select “check your airdrop” after becoming their follower on Twitter and Discord.
  • Connect your wallet now.
  • Proceed to the Bridge section and send ETH or more Ethereum tokens to Blast L2.
  • To be able to bridge, you will require some ETH or other tokens that Blast supports. They are available on Binance.
  • Additionally, you will receive interest rates of 4% for ETH and 5% for stablecoins, as opposed to 0% on other L2s.
  • Only until the mainnet launches in February will the bridging tokens be withdrawable.
  • Every ETH deposited will earn you one spin every week.
  • You can unlock a specific amount of airdrop points with each spin.
  • Referral codes are given to you once your initial bridging is finished. There will only be a limited quantity of codes available to you at first.
  • You will receive more spins the more bridge you and the pals you were originally invited to build.
  • In May, all airdrop points acquired can be exchanged for Blast tokens.

Blast Airdrop is unique in an environment where every airdrop influences the direction of decentralized technology. Let’s seize these opportunities while being knowledgeable, watchful, and upbeat about the countless potential they present for the cryptocurrency industry. Cheers to your exploration!

Disclaimer: We are not financial advisors. The airdrop content on this page is for educational purposes only and merely cites personal opinions. While we strive to provide quality airdrops, we advise you to conduct your research and make smart decisions.
This post does not serve as an endorsement or reason to invest in a project. Finally, there is no guarantee that you will be making a profit or loss from this project and we'll not be liable for any loss.

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